Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions


The following sections address the collection and processing of your personal information through any of the projects run by Freepik Company, including any of their subdomains and sections.

1. Data controller

FREEPIK COMPANY, S.L.U. as data controller, is responsible for the processing of Users’ personal information on the Website:

FREEPIK COMPANY, S.L.U. with Tax Id no. B-93183366 and registered office in 13 Molina Lario St., 5th floor, zip code 29015, Malaga (Spain). Email:

Data Protection Officer Abisko Data, S. L.

You can send an email to to raise any questions, request or exercise of right regarding personal data protection.

2. Website Use under Terms and Conditions

You can only contract our services and validly consent to our Terms and Conditions if you are of legal age.

Our products are directed to people of legal age. In specific cases, we may explicitly allow them to be hired for use by minors. They must be examined and accepted, on the minor behalf, by the person of legal age who is the holder of the parental authority or in charge of their custody or education.

Notwithstanding the aforementioned, if you are a minor, in accordance with our terms and conditions, you cannot validly enter into any of the contracts we offer.

3. Our purposes and lawful basis of data we collect Your personal data is processed with different purposes. Each processing must be based on a lawful basis, among those set forth by the regulation. We use the following basis:

Consent: you have given your informed, unequivocal and specific consent to the processing of your personal data aimed to a specific purpose. Legal obligation: the law requires process and disclose certain data on occasions to certain institutions (for example, to the Tax Authority). Execution of a contract: the data are strictly necessary to provide you with our services or to comply with what was agree with you. Our legitimate interests, provided that your interests and rights do not prevail over them. The legal bases of our data processing carried out through our Website, in relation to the purposes for which we will use your data, are the following:

3.1. Browsing the Website When you browse and use the Website, even if you do not register, data is automatically collected through technology or automated interactions, such as IP address, device id, certains metadata (HTTP header, your browser, etc.). In addition, information is collected on the number of downloads and searches you perform. These data are recorded in order to control the number of downloads made by each user, thus allowing us to detect a fraudulent or illegitimate use of the Website, and, therefore, guarantee compliance with the Terms and Conditions of Use of the Website, that is, the management of the contractual relationship between you and Freepik.

These technical data observed when the user browser the Website are processed for the purpose of detecting and mitigating risks of attacks (bots, code injections, DDOS attacks), and, generally, to guarantee and maintain the Website security. Our lawful basis is our legitimate interest in protecting the security of our systems and preventing the violation of our terms and conditions.

These technical data observed when the user browser the Website are processed for the purpose of detecting and mitigating risks of attacks (bots, code injections, DDOS attacks), and, generally, to guarantee and maintain the Website security. Our lawful basis is our legitimate interest in protecting the security of our systems and preventing the violation of our terms and conditions.

Personal data processed: IP address, device id and certain metadata such as the browser used or the HTTP/HTTPS header.

3.2. Contractual relationship with our registered users (free or premium) When you register as a user (either free or “premium”), we request the personal data that we need for the management and fulfillment of our contractual relationship with you.

We do not request, collect or process any special categories of personal data (those that reveal ethnic or racial origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical convictions, union membership and information on health, orientation and sexual life, genetic or biometric data).

When you are requested to provide personal data that is deemed as necessary, due to legal obligation or in accordance with our contracting conditions, and you refuse to provide them, we may not be able to formalize said contract or provide the service, which will be communicated to you properly.